“Ho ho, sorry big fellow. I get a wee too curious at times.” Gunnos said, backing off a step. He wasn’t one to cause trouble, not intentionally that is, and especially didn’t want to anger someone of Shor’gen’s size and appearance. “Both science crew, eh? It’s nice to meet the eggheads, even if I won’t be directly workin’ with ye. I’m sure we’ll all get along once this ship takes off. Now, if ye’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you two to finish yer conversation. I got others to bugger, hehe.” With that, he gave them both a courteous nod and moved on to meet some of the other crewmembers before it’d be time to lift off. So who was next? Plenty of interesting figures around. There was a pair of Korrvain Nymphs among them, he noticed, whom even he would be somewhat reluctant to approach. There was bad blood between the Korrvain and their smaller relatives, and while Gunnos wasn’t one to hold prejudices, he didn’t know how they would react to him. He would approach them soon enough, he decided, but someone else caught his attention first. He made his way to the tall armoured figure that seemed to be talking to itself earlier. Korrvain were fond of wearing armour in battle, but this armour looked unlike anything he knew, which intrigued him. “Hey bud, nice suit of armour, you expecting an invasion? Hehe. What’s it made of, a titanium-tungsten alloy perhaps?” He carefully knocked on the abdomen of the suit. Bung bung. [i]Damn, I did it again. Gotta learn to be less touchy. But wait, it sounds hollow, how odd.[/i] “Oh, excuse me, I couldn’t resist. Me name’s Gunnos, what’s yours?”