[center][img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma2h89QpBK1rvtznuo1_r1_500.jpg][/center] Name: Milly Reiss Age: 16 Year: 3 Associated With: Slackers, Class Clowns Biography: Ever since Milly was young she was always seen as the child prodigy. She was different from other kids, she was able to pick school material faster than those her age and prefers to read a book than play with them. She was quiet and always end conversations with simple one-liners, and always aces her exams. This behavior resulted mild bullying from her classmates, but she was well-liked by her teachers. She wasn't afraid enough of her classmates and told the teachers about the bullying. However, when she started middle-school, Milly started to notice how kids around her age would hang out after school or eat lunch together, while she was all alone. She felt kind of lonely and decided to befriend some kids, but to her dismay, they would only go to her when they needed some help in their studies. Milly felt that she would always be known as the go-to girl in academics and that she should continue being like that and fight the urge to express herself. She refused just being this character and proceeded to change it, and that's when her grades slowly dropped. She started to get a little wild, but she maintained a good relationship with some of her teachers. People decided that she seems fun to hang out with. Milly got what she wanted, she had friends she could laugh together with, and gradually forgets the "quiet genius girl" character and become what she changed to be. When her parents consulted about her change, she just said that she's starting to lose motivation. In her second year of middle school, Milly quickly adapted how much drama goes on around the school, that's when she started to take interest in finding about the popular kids' lives. She was already a typical lazy student and decided that she has nothing to do, so she researched about the cool kids in school, just finding info about them and realized at how much they hide. Milly felt powerful with all these knowledge and decided she'll use it for her advantage. With her brain which she didn't use for academics in a while, she uncovers secrets and seems not to mind sharing them...but it will cost you. When she entered in Sunrise Academy, Milly kept being in touch with the latest gossip and seems to always have dirt on the kids in school. She's ready to give some info if you'll give her some cash or do her a favor or errand. Why you need the job: Milly just wants to earn some extra cash.