[center][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/173/6/6/portrait_in_the_fog_by_nannna-d7nfk9g.jpg[/img][/center] [center]„Valentina Matisashi”[/center] --- Name: Suki 'Valentina' Matisashi Age: 21 Gender: Female. Class: Human low class, living in the slums essentially. Background and/or Personality: Suki grew up in the lower class, with her father being a factory worker of sorts manufacturing androids and assembling them. Though, as of late, these jobs have been dissapearing and they're being replaced by androids themselves -- spurring some rebelliousness under the factory workers and their families. Suki herself hasn't noticed much of this yet as their father is still at work at some far away location where he stands next to a conveyor belt all day. It's hard but honest work, but her dad fears that he can't keep the job once the androids are adapted to the work he does and they can produce cheaper than him. Suki's mom is a caretaker of sorts -- she takes care of older people in their neighbourhood. In some ways this neighbourhood is sort of a Chinatown, except calling it ''Asiatown'' would be more suitable because there's a lot of Asian people there, not just Chinese. Suki and her family themselves are Japanese of origin, but it's been a long time since they've seen Japan and not much of their culture remains, save the language which they were forced to learn by their parents. Either way, Suki's mom is a caretaker but doesn't get paid for doing this job because the Asiatown area of Providence isn't exactly a rich area. Rather, it features run down areas and some semi-liveable places. Some of these run-down areas include old schools, colleges and universities, libraries and public swimming pools or even factories that were abandoned. The semi liveable places are mostly housing areas with old, Asian style houses. Most of these houses have as much as 4-5 rooms, and that includes the bathroom and kitchen. Suki's brother, Kanamaru, is currently unemployed. Maybe it is because he is not motivated, maybe it's cause he has no education, or maybe it is as he says and people just don't wanna hire Asians anymore. Suki thinks it's because of his friends, but she'd never say that openly like that due to her care for him. He is after all her little brother, who can be protective at times. Suki herself prefers to stay on the legal side of things, and works at a local Japanese style restaurant which is right at the edge of Asiatown slums, so they do have some form of middle class customers. She earns a decent living, but not enough to support both her family and have her own house, so she's opted to live with her parents and save up some money to get educated. So far, nothing has come of that though. Suki is a pretty nice, calm and quiet girl. She doesn't like trouble, so she is often polite and just does as she is told in a work environment. She cares a lot for her family, and friends too. And on a good day, she might care for a stranger too, on a more personal basis atleast. This politeness often translates into people bothering her however, and because she is so polite she's afraid to tell them to take a hike sometimes. [center][img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-D-U9bbe5mVE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAGk/dK_1eTb0z60/photo.jpg[/img][/center] [center]„Kanamaru 'Joshua' Matisashi”[/center] --- Name: Kanamaru 'Joshua' Matisashi Age: 19 Gender: Male. Class: Human, lower class -- criminal-ish. Background and/or Personality: Kanamaru comes from the same kind of environment as Suki, both growing up in the Asiatown district of Providence. Their relative low wealth compared to the other districts has forced him to get known with some of the other criminals in Asiatown, and doing minor jobs from them from time to time such as running an errant by delivering a package of .. less legal stuff to someone or by being a lookout on a robbery. Although he is slowly getting pulled into the criminal life, it doesn't seem like Kanamaru is one to actively go out and murder people for their belongings and prefers non-lethal crimes. For instance, he is one of the few people in Asiatown to own a hoverbike that he 'loaned' from a rich fellow down town. The thing now is barely worth anything, and it's mostly scrap metal and stolen parts mashed together -- it would definetely not survive a police test. But it's still something that Kanamaru likes to have because it allows him to get around much faster and not waste so much time walking. Not that he uses it everyday. Kanamaru is a pretty cool guy overall, he enjoys a drink and a chat with someone while smoking a cigarette. Anyone that knows Kanamaru knows that he is loyal, but the question is to whom. He's loyal to his family first, and his friends and fellow gangmembers after that, but nowadays peoples alignments shift quickly and that's true for most people. Kanamaru seems to have an indifferent opinion about androids, seeing their use but also seeing how they work against humans sometimes by pressing them out of jobs. Never the less he simply accepts that they're there and just assumes that there'll always be jobs for people in places where the boss just doesn't want to hire androids. Those places seem to be few though.