After the funeral pyre and the feast honoring the dead. The clan's chieftain called Olev and seven other warriors to discuss their plan on attacking the raiders. After a hour debate it was decided that they would attack this day. They slowly made their out of the clan's home. They were heavily armed a assortment of spears, axes and swords as well as Olev's dog: spirit. The marched for a good thirty minutes. The only sounds heard were the sounds of soft talking, the breaking of leaves and sticks and the soft crunching of snow, that had fallen earlier that day. Their talking was about what they planned on doing when they got back. Some planned on drinking mead, others planned on being with their wives, some planned on hunting. They were only ten minutes from where the raiders base was supposed to be when they heard to gunshots no far off. "Rifle. West less then a kilometer from here." Olev said. The raiding party went from a brisk walk to a slow job. As they neared were the gunshots went off Olev could see a man aiming a rifle a where two dead beasts lay. 'Hmm maybe he was ambushed.' Olev thought. Spirit; Olev's dog had her hackles raised. There were two more beasts nearby. She could smell them. Olev noticed his dog and how she was ready to attack. "There is more beast nearby." Olev said. He looked very carefull and saw that there were two more hiding in wait one was closer to them then the other. "Einar come here." Olev said. A small man who was carrying a spear came forward "Yes Huskarl?" He asked. " When the two beasts are taken out. Form a shield wall protecting us from the man there." Olev said. "Ay Huskarl. Shall I tell the men to draw weapons?" Einar asked. "Yes do so. And once they are drawn charge them farthest beast." Olev said. With that he silently drew his sword. Spirit was tense ready to pounce. His men where ready to charge. They knew their plan. With a ferocious war cry Olev and his mean charged. Olev and spirit went after the nearest beast. Spirit arrived first. When she was less then a meter away she jumped and landed on the beasts back biting at it. Olev arrived next, when he was close enough spirit fell off. Olev slammed his shield into the beast causing it to fall over. By this time Spirit was back up and went for the beast throat, killing it. Once that was done Olev noticed his men had already killed their beast and had formed a shield wall protecting them from the rifleman. Olev jogged over to them. "Einar if he shoots we kill him, no mercy. Let me talk to him first." Olev said. Einar nodded his head. Olev walked in front of the shield wall. In his language which is a mix of Estonian and Finnish two languages that are very similar he spoke. " Hello friend. Who might you be?" He asked. (Damian you can pick and choose what you want to understand)