[center][img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/nae_zps83597df8.png][/center] There were two of them, both older and fair haired but right then and there, she noticed they were nothing alike. The one called Lennart had been the one she mimicked. He fiddled with his scarf in a way that reminded him of little Niina from her settlement. Shy and fidgety, she could never look people in the eye and she took to playing with the ends of her hair whenever she spoke. The other one hadn't introduced himself, and she'd long forgotten the names Suvi called out minutes ago, but something about him had hinted at experience. He addressed the two of them, in a whisper that would have easily been drowned out by the lively chatter in the canteen had it not been for her sharp hearing. Naemi locked eyes with him and nodded in response before turning to Suvi, who had just updated them on the expedition's goings-on. Unfortunately, it turned out they would be staying in Keuruu for a couple of days; she had hoped to leave as soon as possible, lest her cat device a way to get them out of the job. She knew he hadn't been fond of the idea—he'd made it abundantly clear. Naemi looked down momentarily at Ilkimys, to check if he was hatching another scheme, but it seemed he was busy assessing her two so-called comrades. At least he was occupied for now. Suvi proceeded to ask the three of them if they'd encountered the monsters of the silent world, and Naemi almost laughed at her ridiculous question, because who [i]hasn't[/i]? But then she remembered she was no longer in isolated Kajaani, where Beasts and Trolls ran rampant, and that there were also people in Eno that had never seen a Beast in their whole life. They were fortunate. She wished she or her people could say the same thing, but unlike them, she had already lost count of how many she had encountered. "Yes," she said as soon as Lennart finished speaking, nodding once.