[b][center] Hiroshi Hon & Sayuri Cho A not so dead lead, part 3[/b][/center] [center] Sayuri turned her head at the question.[b]" Ah, my techniques. Not that much, I am afraid. My main focus is on Kenjutsu - this sword is a gift from the best aunt in the world, and I trained a lot with it. Besides that, I am using Water Release. Though I have much work to increase my skill in it. And I am developing a Space Time Technique - I am calling it The Red Flash. It is nothing great right now, but I hope that one day, I will be able to complete it. What about you, Akira?"[/b] Sayuri asked back, but she kept her eyes peeled on the country before her. Hirudora was silent for a while after being asked by the young boy, which was a bit unusual, even for Hiroshi. [b]" I cannot confirm it. We are moving way too fast and I have to focus on tracking. Maybe if we get closer, I will be able to tell. But we are still heading in the right direction."[/b] Hiroshi listened carefully to the response as he hoped did everybody on his team.[b]" What will you do if it turns out he is being assisted by others, Hiroshi?"[/b] The blonde Jounin was silent for a while, considering how to form his response.[b]" You know very well what I will do, old friend. The odds may be against us, but we are still bound by our duty to the village we serve, and we should not forget that. I am aware that my team is composed of only three Genin."[/b] [b]" But I have faith that they were trained and raised well, prepared for being fully fledged Kunoichi and Shinobi. I have supreme faith in their abilities and their skill."[/b] They continued in silence for a while, before Hiroshi continued.[b]" Should they be too much for us to handle, we will retread and leave it to the ANBU Black Ops. Our lives are more important than this mission. I will do what it takes to protect my comrades."[/b] Hirudora seemed to be satisfied with the reply, but Sayuri was greatly surprised by it. She was praised together with the rest of her team, and that meant a lot to her. Way more than she could explain with words, so she instead remained silent and nodded. It was Hirudora who interrupted the silence again. [b]" We are rapidly approaching them now, Hiroshi. It seems they stopped. It might be an ambush, but it could mean that the wound was more serious than we anticipated. What will we do, Hiroshi?"[/b] [b]" Complete the mission, Hirudora. That is what we will do."[/b][/center]