The hand paced toward the twelve, when it reached its destination there was a knock at the door. Earlson answered and was met by the blue beret he had grown so accustomed to over the years. The beret had a body and the body a name, Tennessee they called her, a bright, blonde and brilliantly beautiful young lady who had worked for the winters for the past 4 years. "Mister Grey." She said with a soft yet direct tone "I've been sent with the device sir." Welcoming her in, Earlson maneuvered the clutter of paperwork and rubbish from the window-facing table and chairs. "Excuse the mess, these two left it in quite a state." He tutted directing a disapproving gaze toward the two unconscious golden mercs pilled in the corner. He took the suitcase from Tennessee and placed it on the table, together they peered inside, both grunting in disappointment at the size of the much anticipated gadget. "Oh well, size isn't everything my dear." He announced with a coy smile. Earlson grimaced as he opened the door to the roof, the wind rushed past him and instantly he regretted his task "Are you sure i cant tempt you my dear? I'm sure its quite exhilarating once your up there." He motioned toward the not-so-sturdy looking communications mast, creaking as the wind bashed into its frame. Being met with a stoic look of disapproval from Tennessee, he resigned himself to his fate "No? Well it was worth a try!" Precariously purched on the telegraph mast, Earlson attached the device to the top-most branch of the metal structure. With Tennessee keeping the rope taught, he slowly grappled down to roof-level. "Will it work?" The twenty-something softly asked. "It better, for all our sakes!" The device lit-up, the duo took it as their que to exit and they did so without delay. Both knew what they had just started and both understood the effects were best watched from a safe and very far distance.