So I've been nostalgia playing some Neverwinter Nights 2, and I've gotten into the mood for a classical DnD adventure of sorts. You got your elves, dwarves, humans, etc fighting against an overshadowing force of evil, and so forth. While not exactly dice-based, it is turn-based, so having somewhat shortish posts is okay with me. What's important is the quality of the content, not the quantity that the content is made of. Five decently written and punctuated sentences at a minimum. So plot wise we'd all start in a little mountain village called "Wayward", and we're celebrated our yearly Bountiful Festival, which celebrates a bountiful harvest of course. More importantly, there's are various competitions during the Bountiful Festival which all our characters would be working together in, in some way or form. There's the Marksman Competition, you're archery contest, however you can participate with any sort of ranged weapon be it a sling, crossbow, or throwing weapons. Events include the "Sure Shot" contest, where you'll have to shoot ten targets with only ten arrows, the "Game Hunter" contest, where you'd have to shoot out as many flying targets as you can, and the "Farseer" contest, where you have to try to shot a target at a very, very long distance. Next is the Performance Completion, which also includes magical ability. There is the Cat's Grace contest, which is a mix of a dancing competition/obstacle course where you must not only dodge threats and maneuver past obstacles, you must do so [i]with style[/i]. Than there's the Actor's contest, where you and your team can show off your bluffing, intimidation, or diplomatic prowess, however that would be. And lastly but not the least, the Magic contest, where any of your magically-inclined party members can show off their magical abilities. There's also the Knave Competition, which is a roundabout way to say "Rouge" competition. Participants would be required to do some Scavenger Hunting, Sneaking, and sanctioned stealing, The Scavenger Hunting is simple enough, you'll be given various riddles to find various objects before another team claims them. Sneaking is done through a sort of obstacle course where participates have to try to get through without getting caught in traps or making too much of a ruckus. And stealing involves a bit of the previous two competitions; there is only one of the items you'd get from the Scavenger Hunt and Sneaking competition, and you "win" the Knave Competition by having them by the end of the Bountiful Festival. Other teams might already have the items, so you'll be tasked to take them when they least expect it, as well as protect them while you have it. And of course, no fighting! Any violence outside of the Bountiful Brawl will immediately expel you and your entire team. Speaking of which, The Bountiful Brawl! Basically, you and a couple of the youngsters in the village's militia get together to beat each other senseless. Using only the magical weapons given to you (Enchanted to do "Nonlethal" no matter how you use it) or just your fists, defeat your opponents until you are the only team left standing. There are three stages of the Bountiful Brawl: Sharpening Swords, The Beasts, and the Grand Melee. Sharpening Swords isn't an actual fight, but how you get your weapon; you and other participants of the Bountiful Brawl must scramble for the various weapons scattered about the area. Take only what you intend to use throughout the Brawl, as you'll only get that weapon. You can attack each other to prevent them to get the weapon you'd like, but even if you defeat them they will still participate later, and sticking around just to beat down other competitors after getting a weapon will disqualify you and your team. The Beasts puts you and your team against various magical (Read: Illusion i.e. fake) monsters and beasts. Though they do not "really" exist and that you won't get killed by them, they can still physically knock you out, so don't mess around. Those who survive The Beasts gets to participate in the Grand Melee. All the remaining teams gather back to the area and fight each other, employing whatever tactics or skills you can muster. Of course, this is just the beginning of the RP. After the Bountiful Festival, the village gets attacked and we're thrust into a real do-or-die scenario. Depending on how our characters act depends on if we can save the village or if it lost, but either way, we lose people close to us and we must find answers to what attacked our hometown, or whatever reason we have to leave home. I can flesh this idea out more if I know how many people will be participating. I only want five solid RPers, and including myself there should be about 6 characters total. I would ideally want our characters to sort of be in the "Level 1" zone, but already built to do well with our chosen classes (For example, wizard players would already have a few spells at their disposal and fighters would know how to handle a sword). Let's not get too crazy about prestige or multiclasses, and for race and history I'll deal with those on a case-by-case basis. All I ask is for mostly humanoid; you want to play a snake person, fine, but if you want to play as a colossal dragon, that's a no go. For now. Once I get some interest I'll start working up on an OOC, however as a merciful GM, I'll also take questions and request for our game world. I will only say that, while my answers are law, I may be willing to fulfill certain request later into the RP if I feel that the situation would allow it.