[img]http://i929.photobucket.com/albums/ad132/Koi_Korihime/reina_zps7e860278.jpg[/img] As soon as Reina felt that she was at a safe distance she allowed herself to shed a few tears. Of course it was a foolish thing to do, how could she ever have thought that a man like Roman would love a child like her? It was a cruel thing of the universe to do, to have made them born years apart that it made it impossible for their feelings to be accepted. Even thought it wasn't the end of the world. it was a hard thing for Reina to comprehend and grasp seeing that it was her first love and this was something that she hadn't been directed by, by her parents. Maybe it was safer to just listen to them? In that case she would never get too badly hurt. Just then as she was wiping a tear away from her cheeks, a strong force gripped back at her ar and pulled her back. The teen was startled for a moment, letting out a small noise of surprise. When she saw it was just her teacher, she gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?" She asked, before the other began to speak. Reina's eyes opened wide, not expecting what she was hearing. So Roman would take the chance on her? Oh, this made her so happy! Reina smiled, wanting to jump up into Roman's arms but she refrained herself and just smiled. "I-I don't know what to say." She said with a blush forming on her cheeks. He called her beautiful and sweet, and that alone was enough to make up for the rejected feeling she was feeling earlier. "I completely understand, Mr. Roman. Don't worry about a thing!" She chimed, jumping slightly. Reina watched Roman, looking down the hall as she thought quietly to herself. "I actually drove here today... so if you don't mind I could just follow your car?" She suggested, "Besides, I can only be out until 9. My parents keep a strict schedule..." She muttered quietly to herself. Thinking of her parents caused the teen to furrow her brows slightly. "They don't really care where I go, just as long as I'm home in time." She explained before smiling again. "So shall we head off?"