[b]Samuel Walters[/b] Walters and his men were in a Swiss bar celebrating their new contract. It was a marked improvement over the sand traps in the middle east they were used to working in. Not to mention the UN was paying top dollar. Samuel celebrated by sitting at the bar and sipping at a martini. He was careful to not drink enough to get drunk. He had a strong distaste for mind alteration. The idea of not being completely in control of his own mental faculties was is one of his greatest fears. Still given the celebration he figured it would be acceptable to get a little buzzed. His men certainly took no such caution. Walters heard the loud noises of the parting behind him. He overheard one of his drunkard men trying to sweet talk one of the female bartenders. "That's right babe! It's my job to protect you from the scary monsters!" Walters laughed at the comment and yelled over. "Reggie you dumb ass. You'd shit your pants if you saw a kaiju up close." It was then that his radio went off. It was Van Eyck. Samuel radioed back. "Keep your pants! I'm coming!" Walters spoke up to all his men in the bar. "Time to sober up boys! We got a job to do! Gerolf get everyone prepped for travel. I'm off to the briefing." It was a short drive over to base. Samuel walked into the briefing room and took a chair and sat backwards in it leaning his arms against the backrest. He then lit up a cigaret and took a puff. Then he spoke up. "So what's the situation? My men are mobilizing as we speak." [b]Gerolf Schults[/b] Samuel left the bar with the order for Gerolf to mobilize the men. Schults was more than a little annoyed with this order. He had been the one to strongly caution against everyone going out to drink when he knew they could receive orders at any minute. Still Commander Walters felt the company deserved to celebrate. Now he was the one left to deal with the aftermath of the commander's bad decision. At least he had stayed sober himself. It took a good half hour for Gerolf to convince everyone to head back to base. Reggie was especially drunk and thought he had a chance with the bar tender. Gerolf had to point a pistol at his head to get him to leave. Eventually Gerolf managed to get everyone back to base. Luckily not everyone had left to go to the bar. There were still a few sober people who could help him keep everyone organized. Gerolf hoped that wherever they were going it was a gonna be a long trip to get there so at least most of the men could sober up. Now that everyone was ready to be transported Gerolf decided he wanted to hear first hand what was going to be going on with the deployment. He began to walk up to the briefing room.