Gant wasted no time making his way to the building after passing through security. "I'm going to be late, eh?" He said to himself as he looked down at his brass pocket-watch with a sigh. He really could have skipped breakfast, but he really wasn't too fond of meal replacement bars; they taste like the pellets you'd feed parrots, only if it were compacted into a small brick and covered in chocolate in a futile attempt to make itself more appealing towards humans. Furthermore, he was afraid that the peanut butter on his breath would cause someone to die from an allergic reaction. No way was he risking that. Tucking the well-polished device back into the pocket of his new, white-gloved uniform, Gant stopped in his track when he heard the P.A. system go off. Not knowing where on earth(or, more specifically, in the building) the briefing room was, Gant began to panic slightly. Thoughts rapidly flowed through his head as he thought about his situation more. "I'm lost, I can't even read this floor plan, which way do I go...." And then his brain shorted out, leaving him just standing in the middle of the hallway as he looked around, an occasional "uhh" coming out of him.