-Poke- I will be transferring my characters here. Just poking for now so I don't forget. EDIT: Here they are. [Hider=Chase Greene- Knight][b]Name:[/b] Chase Greene [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human/Cyborg [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/054/4/e/female_character_concept_portrait_by_ssandulak-d5w0jwj.png[/img]Credit to [url=http://ssandulak.deviantart.com/]ssandulak[/url] from deviantart. [b]Personality:[/b] Chase has never been known for her patience. She is rash and impulsive for a Jedi and struggles with the idea of 'thinking before acting'. Coupled with this is her knack for violence. To her, if it doesn't work, give it a few whacks- and that goes for people too. Luckily though, she doesn't have much of a temper. She isn't the kind of person who gets angry easily, or lets her emotions take over at all for that matter. When a serious problem arises, Chase won't lose her head. She'll definitely rush ahead with her lightsaber ready, but she won't become blind to everything else around her. When it comes to friends, Chase's knack for violence attracts the shadiest of people, which sometimes pushes the 'goody-goods' away. Though, despite the sometimes sketchy nature of her friends, she cares about them, and is willing to do anything to protect them. [b]Backstory/History:[/b] Chase's parents were both long time space pirates who never intended to have a kid. When they did they had no clue what to do with it. Chase's father wanted to get rid of it but Chase's mother refused. She thought they were meant to have it for some reason. When the father protested, claiming that the baby would be safer without them, she slapped him so hard he lost one of his front teeth. And so for several years, Chase lived with her parents, traveling from planet to planet. Chase never thought her parents were bad people, just a bit misunderstood. Her mother was as beautiful as she was deadly. Her father, a natural jokester who could steal your clothes right off your body while making you laugh as he did it. When Chase was about nine, her parent's made a fateful stop at Bespin in the Outer Rim. They said they had 'business to finish' and told Chase to wait in their ship for them. Chase waited 9 hours for them to return, and when they did, they came sprinting. Chase tried to asked them what was happening but they were too busy yelling at each other as well as the controls to the ship. All Chase could gather was that they needed to get away quickly and that someone was coming for them. It was the first time Chase saw her parents so scared. As the planet grew smaller behind them, the ship grew silent. 'I think we're saf-' her mother said just before the ship's hull was hit. Alarms were blazing in the cockpit and her parents said something Chase could not make out. Then they both turned to her and grabbed her. They threw her in the only escape pod the small ship was equipped with. Crying out to them the door closed and she was blasted into the depths of space. Moments later the ship exploded, sending shrapnel and metalwork everywhere, including the pod. A large piece of debris lodged itself directly through the middle of the pod, and through the middle of Chase. Chase awoke in a soft hospital bed a week later. She could tell she was still on Bespin, however, she didn't know how. She laid in her bed for a while, seeing only her parents' face just before their ship... Finally she realized she was probably in danger. If whoever was after them discovered that she was their daughter then they might come for her too. Just as she bolted from her bed, the door opened. With cat-like reflexes she dashed toward the door, and when the figure of a man appeared, she slipped between his legs and down the hall. Dodging various peoples, she made her way out of the hospital she was being held as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do, she just kept running. Finally, she came to a dead end. Gasping for air she turned to look out one of the window's overlooking the planet's cloudy horizon. It was then that she noticed a glint of light in her reflection. For the first time she looked down at her own body to discover she was naked. Not only was she naked but most of her body was gone, replaced by metal and gears. "You don't have to run" a voice said behind her. She jumped at the sound of the voice only to find it was the same man who had entered her hospital room earlier. He was young, or at least had the look of it, and spoke softly. However, what Chase noticed more than his soft demeanor was that he was not dressed like a medic. In fact, he wasn't dressed like anyone she had ever seen before. Backing into a corner, fearful that he was the man who killed her parents, she asked who he was. He revealed that he was a Jedi and that he was responsible for saving her. "I'm also responsible for your body," he said pointing to her cybernetics. It was then that he explained to her that he could feel her presence as her ship was attacked and that her cat-like reflexes in the hospital moments ago were an indicator to her natural affiliation to the force. She had no idea what he meant by the force but she could feel his presence now. It was calming. She hadn't realized but she was no longer cowering in the corner, but standing next to him, her body, or what was left of it, fully at ease. After staying with the Jedi for several days he took her to the Jedi Academy to be trained in the ways of the force. She has never discovered that her parents were killed by Jedi Malt'ok, the same Jedi who saved her. [b]Strengths:[/b] Strong of body and strong of mind, Chase is one tough cookie. Chase's main asset is her combat ability, graciously enhanced by her cybernetics. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Rash and hasty, Chase often runs head first into danger. Many times she relies too much on her brawn and not enough on her wit. Also, Chase has trouble controlling the force as easily as others, being that much of her living body was replaced with a metal one. [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Enhanced Strength and speed from cybernetics. [/hider] [hider=Krol Dar- Padawan][b]Name:[/b] Krol Dar [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Kel Dor [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/136/4/2/plo_koon_by_zgul_osr1113-d4zyjb5.jpg[/img]Credit to [url=http://zgul-osr1113.deviantart.com/]zgul-osr1113[/url] from Deviant Art. Obviously without the Lightsaber. [b]Personality:[/b] A complete introvert, Krol is logical, intelligent, and patient. Preferring tasks of the mind rather than the body, Krol spends a lot of time in meditation. In fact, when others are training their skills with a lightsaber, Krol is spending time sitting in a room of complete silence, trying to grow closer to the force. When a conflict arises, Krol is never the first to act. Some of his peers call him a coward, claiming that he is afraid to fight. This, however, is untrue. Krol will fight when he needs. He simply prefers to think about the situation from every aspect and finding the best case scenario before acting. Krol has no friends of his age, preferring the company of his masters. Though, he would hardly call them his friends either. They share a bond, yes, but on a very different level. Despite all his logic, he does not understand why this bothers him so much. [b]Backstory/History:[/b] Krol was orignally from Dorian, the home planet of his people. His parents were practitioners of the very old and secret tradition called Baran Do. They, along with other secret masters, began teaching Krol, training him of the ways of Baran Do at a very young age. They taught him the art of meditation- to be patient and grow with the force. To let the force guide him to where ever it might take him. After years of training, Krol finally saw his first glimpse into the future. He saw himself leaving his planet. Not long after Krol saw his first vision did he become aware of the tension that had been growing among the secret masters. They had foreseen something but Krol could not figure out what. His parents, equally as unnerved, refused to tell him. A year eventually passed and nothing happened. He was confused. Not only did nothing happen among the masters, but his own vision had yet to pass. He consulted his parents but they told him that the visions that they saw sometimes never happened. Time was ever weaving the threads of history, ever changing, mutable. Yet, Krol was not convinced. He continued to meditate but found no answers. Although no more visions came to him, he began to feel something else. He couldn't explain it but it was like the presence of a star far far away. Krol did not speak of this to his parents. Many months passed and Krol never stopped feeling this presence. He didn't know how but he knew it was related to his vision. Finally, while meditating one morning, his parents approached him. They told him that a Jedi was coming to Dorian. He was coming to see the people of Baran Do. Although Krol did not know what a Jedi was, he knew it was this presence he had been feeling. "The Masters invited him here," they told him. "Do you know what this means?" Krol thought for several moments about the question until finally deciding it was rhetorical. "It's your vision Krol. You're going to go with him to train in the ways of the Jedi," they explained. This was strange. It seemed as though his parents were acting this way only because they knew of his vision. Would they have agreed to this if he had never told them of it? If he had never had the vision at all? He did not ask these questions. As the days passed, Krol could feel the presence coming closer and closer to his planet. It truly was akin to a star for as it grew closer it seemed to dwarf everything around it. Eventually it became overwhelming and Krol found himself unable to even meditate without being consumed by it. The day before it arrived, this star coming to burn his life away, he spent the night with his parents. They seemed anxious and Krol could not decide if that was good or bad. Finally the day came where the Jedi arrived. The entire day Krol felt this presence surrounding him, crushing him under its weight. He went with his parents to the place where the Jedi was meeting the masters. It was underground but Krol felt as though he had never been so exposed in his life. As they finally entered the room Krol could see the man turn his attention toward him. It felt as though all the pressure that had been surrounding him suddenly converged onto where this man's gaze fell- him. He began to cry that the man's eyes were yellow and it scared him. His parents, embarrassed, tried comforting him, saying that his eyes were brown like many other humans. When Krol looked again he saw that what they said was true. As the meeting progressed it became apparent that the masters of the Baran Do did not intend on letting the Jedi's have any of their force sensitive children. Instead, they were more intent on discussing an alliance. Krol watched his parents as they grew more and more bewildered. They were so certain that this was going to be how Krol left their planet. It would have been an honor to them. Finally they spoke up and urged the Jedi to take their son with them. The masters silenced them quickly and, though the Jedi remained silent, his gaze lingered only a moment longer than normal. "They will take you," Krol's mother whispered into his ear. That evening, after the meeting was over and night had fallen, a female Jedi met with Krol's family at their house. She came cloaked with a large hood over her head in an effort to remain unseen. This Jedi informed Krol's family that the Jedi who she followed would be staying on their planet for a while longer. However, several of his escorts, including her, were to return home immediately. "If you want your son to come with us, he must come now," she told them. With hardly a goodbye, nine year old Krol was sent off with this group of strangers to become a Jedi. The woman who took him from his parents was Chase and she was a Jedi Knight. On their journey to the new Jedi Academy, she explained to him exactly what was happening. She was surprised when he did not know what a Jedi even was. She joked a bit with him and punched his arm a little too hard (a lot too hard actually), but she seemed pleasant. Despite his leaving home, he liked her. As the overwhelming presence of the other Jedi grew more and more distant, he could feel the presence of this woman blossom. Chase was around the Academy for a while when Krol was still an Initiate. When ever she was around, he would know and his eyes would be drawn to her. It wasn't by accident that they had met and it wasnt by accident that they had a connection. Krol could feel it. And to no one's surprise when Krol passed his Initiate Trials, Chase took him as her student. Despite being complete opposites, they knew that their pairing was more than coincidence. [b]Strengths:[/b] Krol is an extremely gifted force user. For his age, he can complete force feats that many others cannot. Additionally, Krol is an exceptional analytic thinker. His ability to analyze complicated problems exceed that of many of his peers. However, his most notable skill is his patience. When others crack under the pressure of a difficult situation, Krol is known to endure until he finally finds a solution. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Krol's skills with a lightsaber are particularly poor. His inexperience coupled with his frailness make him ill suited for physical combat. Futhermore, Krol is completely inept at anything involving social interaction. While they do not make him uncomfortable, he fails to make others comfortable in his presence. His most notable weakness, however, is his patience. Many claim that he is too slow to act or that he is a coward. Although he has never missed an opportunity due to taking too long to make a decision, many fear that a day will come- and when it does, it will be his biggest failure. [b]Abilities/Skills[/b]: Baran Do [/hider]