Shigetoshi couldn't help but chuckle at Tatsuki's response to his words. The younger man looked properly horrified by the idea. Which was indeed a horrifying concept. When the younger man got closer, Shigetoshi's breath caught. He suddenly remembered the other without the towel and had to resist leaning in or moving backwards. When Tatsuki kept moving in Shigetoshi was immediately concious of his own appearance. Even though it was dark he probably smelled of cleaning supplies and wasn't all the clean. He needed his own dip in a hot spring. Shigetoshi blinked as the younger man pulls back and heads for the door back inside. The absence was acute and the innkeeper shoved the thought away. He was not lonely out here and he was not entertaining the idea of... no. "That's a good idea." Shigetoshi forced himself to say. When the door slides closed the man sighed in relief. He took a moment for himself before heading back inside to clean up a little and head to the kitchen. By the time he arrived at his first destination, he was able to control himself. Though he was properly annoyed at himself. He wasn't a horny teenager anymore. He was an adult, aged twenty four years at that. Shigetoshi stripped, took a bath in the spring, taking extra care to make sure his hands were free of the cleaning chemicals. When he was done he pulled himself out of the warmth, dried off and changed out of his cleaning clothes. He headed out to the kitchen to check on Tatsuki and to see what time dinner would be ready. When he found that out, he'd let his guests know.