[img]http://i929.photobucket.com/albums/ad132/Koi_Korihime/reina_zps7e860278.jpg[/img] With a giggle, the teen shook her head slightly and said, "I think you look fine, Mr,Roman." It was going to take a bit of getting used to, to call the other by his official name now, but when she caught herself she just covered her mouth with her hand. When the plan was decided she nodded her head and pulled the jacket tighter around her smaller frame and just as she was about to move, the older male had leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. Reina was frozen in place for a moment, a blush warming her cheeks as she quietly nodded to Roman before walking off quickly to avoid her embarrassment from being shown. Once she found her car, she slipped in and had a mini freak out over the events that had just unfolded. Here she was sitting in her car, wrapped in her crush's jacket, about to drive off to get some food and spend time with him other than learning about Latin. When she was buckled into her seat, and made her way to the front of the school and met up with her teacher's car. The car itself wasn't nice like her's but she didn't pay any mind to it. If anything she thought it was kind of school. Reina had always been attracted to things that were less than perfect, or not "normal" because it reminded her of herself in a way. Once they were ready she lead the way to the restaurant downtown and parked a block away from the restaurant. They were going to have to walk since she didn't see any parking in front of the store. Looking outside she saw that Roman was making his way to her car and before she could open the door herself, he was already doing it for her. "Thank you." She said happily, grabbing her purse from the passenger seat before getting out of the car. "The restaurant is a block from here down that way." She explained, beginning to get off of the street as she pushed a button on her key chain to lock her car. Reina was still wearing roman's jacket, having had put her arms through the sleeves. It was a bit big on her, but she didn't care too much about that. She was just happy to be able to wear it.