Hey there. My name is Rei and I am a literate roleplayer seeking some long-term roleplay partners to do some world building, character development and other fun stuff with. I am happy to do fandom roleplays as long as I can use original characters, which are my real passion. I enjoy animals (akin to watership down or other sentient animal stories), fantasy, pokemon trainers, apocalypse, original worlds, etc. I am not picky, I just really dislike 'slice of life' roleplay between humans. If I liked that, why would I come here? I prefer one on one with several characters each but i am not against group roleplay if people keep it tidy. I am also not a fan of: space roleplays, school roleplays unless very specific conditions are met, a lot of video game and anime roleplays because i have my mindset for those things already. Horror can be a hit or miss for me. I also prefer people with accurate grammar and spelling. :D