Rio was situated in one of the base's few science labs, analyzing samples taken from the kaiju that had attacked her home several months ago. She was comparing them against samples taken from other normal-sized animals, trying to find any matches or similarities, but so far her search had proved fruitless. Thin glass slides were scattered around the tabletop (the lab tables were all too high for her to reach since she was confined to a wheelchair, and thus she was forced to settle for a low desk off to the side) each labeled with different names. [i]J. Giant Salamander, C. Giant Salamander, P. Giant Salamander, Okinawan Newt, Fire Belly Newt…[/i] So far, Rio hadn't found anything to suggest that the kaiju was more than superficially similar to known species. Drawing her face away from the microscope, Rio put an elbow on the table and dropped her chin into her hand, giving out a sigh. She'd only been at the base for a few uneventful weeks, and had been given freedom to conduct herself however she saw fit. She'd been told to research "anything useful" when she arrived. It was clear from then that the White Gloves weren't the most organized group and they were still working on a touch-and-go basis… but then again, weren't they all? No one had been the least bit prepared when sci-fi monsters crawled out of the sea. [i]"All personnel, please report to the briefing room. We seem to have a situation developing in Eastern Africa."[/i] Rio jumped at Col. Van Eyck's voice reverberating around the room. Did that… mean her too, or was it just those combat-ready? Shaking her head, she chastised herself. Of course it meant her too. If he'd wanted only combat personnel, he would've said so, right? Right… probably. Well, better to be safe than sorry, she decided, still unsure. Rio set about to cleaning up her station as quickly as she could and then made her way out the door. Navigating the base was easy enough – she'd yet to run into any stairs yet, thank heavens – and she began making the necessary turns towards the briefing room. It wasn't long before she had to slow down, finding herself behind a group of rather… rowdy men. Rio could smell a hint of alcohol staining the air around them. The base was small enough that Rio could at least recognize most people, but looking at the men in front of her, she found them all unfamiliar. She'd heard rumors of some private contractors signing on with the White Gloves. Maybe this was them? Probably, she decided. Rio continued behind them (at a greater distance than was probably necessary) as they walked towards the briefing room.