Glenn paid Winston the 5 silver pieces, counting them slowly out loud as he laid each in the shop keepers hand. While he had never learned to read, Dotta had taken the time to teach him basic counting, addition, and subtraction skills so that would not get cheated when dealing with money. Once satisfied he had paid the correct amount, he collected his new things, hanging his water skin next to the axe. The long handled axe did not escape Winston's attention and he eyed it curiously. He waited for Roan to leave before asking Glenn, seemingly nonchalant, "Where you off to?" The large man grinned. "To find treasure!" he announced excitedly. "Bye!" he said as he collected his cloak and hurried to catch up with Roan. Once outside, he fell in step beside his new companion. "What friend?" Glenn asked, not following Roan's indirect comment. Once it was clarified for him, his face turned visibly redder. "Oh! No ... no. I..." he stammered, looking flustered. "I want to surprise her when we're back." In his imagination, the treasure horde had just grown to include a beautiful jeweled necklace he could bestow upon Scarlett to win her affection.