[b]Name:[/b]Kerren [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b]Miraluka [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/320/6/1/61b170a1cd03881c012b8ffbea9e265c.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality: [/b] Reserved, Quick Witted when not shy, strategist and survivalist. He will typically stay back from conversation and interaction with others in a way that makes him seem anti-social. However once he becomes more confident around people he becomes quick witted and loyal to those around him. [b]History:[/b] Kerren was born in the waning days of the Empire, a time when his people were still being hunted due to their natural affinity with the Force. The Emperor and as such the Imperial Remnant seeing his people as a threat as every one of them could one day potentially become a Jedi and thus their enemies, while Mirakula tended not to fall down the path of the Dark Side, with some exceptions of course. As such she has never known the colony which became their home after their homeworld became uninhabitable. Growing up her parents became smugglers. Always using headgear to cover their heads so their species was not identifiable beyond their humanoid forms. It was during these years that Kerren began to learn how to pilot, as soon as he was capable of seeing in the Force. When he got older and the New Republic came into being he heard the exploits of the starfighter corps and knew that one day he wanted to fly with the infamous rogue squadron. However destiny chose another path for him. Luke Skywalker began rebuilding the Jedi Order as the Jedi Temple, which had been known as the Imperial Palace in Palpatines Rule was returned to its former glory. Or as much as possible anyway. His parents recognising the opportunity sent him, a slightly older initiate than what would previously have been accepted however people of all ages were taught under Lukes control off the Jedi Order. Several years in training it has finally come time for him to become a Padawan, despite it being old tradition he decided to grow the Padawan braid but then there was another issue. Obtaining a master. [b]Strengths:[/b]Has trained in Force Sight since birth, due to lack of eyes. Can effectively see through objects, sense someones alignment (Unless they are concealing it). Has a more or less 360 visual perception, time pilot training, can see through Force Illusions. Can follow trails in the Force or pinpoint the epicentre of a force action more easily than others. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] In areas where the force is blocked he has no sight at all, cannot see colour, if someone is capable of removing their presence in the force he cannot see them, in crowded areas he has to limit his range of sight to avoid confusion, [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Force Sight - Due to lack of eyes he has become proficient at this skill, being taught it since birth he is more adept at it than non-Miraluka who attempt to learn this ability. Telekenesis - Standard Jedi push/pull and lifting abilities Proficient in Soresu Excellent Fighter Pilot How's that? I also have no interest in making an NPC master... I mean in this time it isn't uncommon for Padawans to share masters or alternate masters depending on what is going on.