Jurgen waited curiously. Eve did her thing, trying to bring up the file, but apparently it was more than just a file. She hooked up to the television, and after a moment someone appeared there. The cyborg was a bit shocked. Apparently it was a lot more than a file, it was some kind of remote access code, allowing him to video chat with whoever happened to own the other end of the line. Jurgen assumed it was the creator of the robot, but he wasn't sure. The screen was currently showing him some kind of laboratory, or something. It was dark, though so it was hard to tell. Then a voice could be heard. It sounded like an older gentleman, but he couldn't be sure. Unfortunately, whoever it was, they stayed in the shadows, so they were mostly just a silhouette. The person at the other end of the line referred to Jurgen as "Test Subject One." he frowned. He was just a test subject? This was bullshit. "Who are you? Why'd you do this? Why me?" he asked immediately, almost demanding answers. If this guy wanted to do a question and answer period with the guy whose life he was messing with, he was going to have to answer the tough questions. And if he wouldn't answer, then there was no point in talking. The man was obviously an excellent hacker, or at the very least he had built a remote channel to access Eve himself. Either way, he knew his way around software just as much as hardware. He was not to be messed with, obviously, but Jurgen wasn't worried about that, he was more worried about how the hell he was going to deal with this guy. If talking to the loon who invented Eve was going to be a regular thing, he'd either go crazy, or get crazy smart. But ideally, such a situation wouldn't arise at all...