[center][b][u]Quick Check List[/u][/b][/center] [hider=The Empire of Lancia]Army: 30,000 Veterans 50,000 Regulars 50,000 Recruits Navy: 3 Barques 1 Brig 7 Galleys GDP: 30,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Stable[/hider] [hider=United Vanjanan Empire ]Army: 15,000 Regulars 20,000 Recruits 10,000 Arquebusiers Navy: 2 Frigates 5 Barques 5 Brigs 7 Galleys GDP: 50,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Stable[/hider] [hider=The Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore ]Army: 10,000 Regulars 25,000 Recruits Navy: 5 Frigates 10 Barques 2 Brigs 5 Galleys GDP: 29,000,000,000 ($) - Down to 24,000,000,000 ($) due to unrest. Stability: Slightly Unstable[/hider] [hider=The Empire of Corustaria]Army: 10,000 Regulars 12,000 Recruits 15,000 Arquebusiers Navy: 3 Ships of Line 5 Frigates 5 Barques 8 Brigs 1 Galley GDP: 37,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Stable[/hider] [hider=The Grand Duchy of Argentaurumia]Army: 17,000 Regulars 5,000 Recruits 12,000 Arquebusiers Navy: 4 Ships of Line 4 Frigates 5 Barques 10 Brigs GDP: 40,000,000,000 ($) - Down to 35,000,000,000 ($) due to unrest Stability: Slightly Unstable[/hider] [hider=The Iria Queendom]Army: 20,000 Veterans 10,000 Regulars 14,000 Recruits Navy: 1 Frigate 3 Barques 5 Brigs 5 Galleys GDP: 35,000,000,000 ($) - Down to 0,000,000,000 ($) due to unrest Stability: Very Unstable[/hider] [hider=The Kingdom of Azor]Army: 40,000 Regulars 10,000 Recruits 50,000 Arquebusiers Navy: 2 Frigates 7 Barques 10 Brigs 3 Galleys GDP: 30,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Stable[/hider] [hider=Asghard]Army: 10,000 Regulars 25,000 Recruits 25,000 Conscripts Navy: 1 Frigate 4 Barques 5 Brigs 1 Galley GDP: 41,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider] [hider=The Stans]The Stans is a mountainous region that is considered barbaric and backwards by most. They use horse archers and fur armour to fight their wars. Whilst effective in the steppes and in hordes they rarely, if ever, leave the Stans besides to raid and pillage villages near the border. Army: 40,000 Horse Archers 10,000 Steppe Warriors 15,000 Steepe Archers Navy: N.A GDP: N.A Stability: Stable[/hider] [hider=Dkkan]Once part of the great Margold Empire it has since split to form Dkkan and Futtan and has been at war with their arch rival Futtan ever since. The people have a zealous belief in their nation and are willing to die for it however have little if any care for a world outside of their own continent. Army: 15,000 Veterans 20,000 Regulars 10,000 Recruits 50,000 Conscripts Navy: 20 Galleys GDP: 25,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider] [hider=Futtan]Once part of the great Margold Empire it has since split to form Dkkan and Futtan and has been at war with their arch rival Dkkan ever since. The people have a zealous belief in their nation and are willing to die for it however have little if any care for a world outside of their own continent. Army: 20,000 Veterans 10,000 Regulars 15,000 Recruits 25,000 Conscripts Navy: 15 Galleys GDP: 29,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider] [hider=Parra]A trading hub, it controls the land entrance to The Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore and claims the title ‘Protector of the Holy Land. The people are incredibly wealthy and many are merchants and traders. Most of the citizenry have their own private guardsmen and villages. It is a capitalist utopia. Army: 5,000 Veterans 20,000 Regulars 5,000 Recruits Navy: 10 Brigs GDP: 50,000,000,000 Stability: Stable[/hider] [hider=Nutr]Nutr is a nation that ceded from the control of the United Vanjanan Empire and Empire of Lancia many years ago however civil unrest is common due to the differing backgrounds of the people and their own racial struggles. The current government is a liberal one however growing radicalist parties from both ethnc groups are rising. Army: 10,000 Veterans 25,000 Regulars Navy: N.A GDP: 15,000,000,000 ($) - Down to 0,000,000,000 ($) due to unrest Stability: Very Unstable[/hider]