Thorin stood in the shadows just a little way down the road from the club, the sounds of its terrible music already drifting into his ears. He took a final drag on his cigarette before dropping it and crushing it into the ground with his boot, exhaling into the cool evening air. He had been stood watching and waiting for a little while now, seeing several people enter the club over the last few minutes. He suspected now that he wasn’t the only one contacted for such a job, at least judging by some of the characters going in – and he was pretty sure he’d even seen a small drone at one point. Grunting slightly he moved forwards and directed his attention towards the doorman, an appropriately ‘tough’ looking ork who has gestured the others inside. As Thorin passed him he opened his jacket slightly, enough so that his Ruger was visible, just so he knew why he was here and that he wasn’t particularly in the mood for a conversation. Entering the club the visual and audio bombardment was sufficient to make him feel nauseous from the first moment, the loud music reverberating inside of his skull. He spared a few moments to glance around at the mass of writhing bodies but didn’t see anything that he wouldn’t have expected, and quickly started to move towards the back of the club. He hated venues like this with a passion, but had throughout his questionable career had to spend far more time than he would have liked in places like this. He quickly spotted what he was looking for, an inconspicuous door along the back wall – generally to a VIP area of some kind, and considering it was the only one he could see he figured that was the place to go. It was easy enough for him to make his way through the centre of the drunken cluster, his muscle augmentation and relative height to most of the people in his way guaranteed that they didn’t stay in his way long. He ignored the few cries and insults thrown by those who even noticed him pushing past. He reached the door and pulled it open before walking through into what looked like a half decent poker den – even complete with real cards. Taking an immediate interest in the game it took Thorin a few moments to notice the fuzzy human gesturing towards a row of chairs to the side lined up against the wall, and the others sat waiting there. He clocked each of them quickly, deciding that introductions could be given later, he wanted to hear this job first, and then he could go from there.