[b][u]The First Spring[/u][/b] The winter snows have passed, crops are now being sowed and the pastures are filled with the young of baby livestock. It has been a good winter and nowhere has suffered more than was prepared for. And coming with the spring is more than just rays of sunshine. News. News of a new world has filtered to the courts around the continent. Already cartographers are delivering maps to their respective ruler/s to inform them of a new world only just discovered. The shape is known but nothing else. The climate, resources and whether or not it is inhabited is still completely unknown. Whilst this has been the biggest news there is other news arriving in the courts. In the Iria Queendom the revolt continues. In a response to recent religious clashes the clergy have roused whole communities into uproar. Gangs of zealots roam the countryside lynching those they deem ‘inferior’. Meanwhile the other religious groups have responded by bombing and assaulting the factories and markets of the Queendom. Whilst the police believed they could handle this at first a number of small armies are rising up and there are worries that a full battle could appear rather than the roaming death squads that are common. In further news in The Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore strikes are taking place to try and eliminate child labour in the nation. This is swiped away as a terrible idea by the aristocracy of The Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore. I other news The Grand Duchy of Argentaurumia the Duchy Isolationist Party, or DIP, are taking to the streets in open defiance of the state as they demand that all foreign culture be removed from their nation. Supporters were heard chanting comments such as ‘Death to the alien!’ during the march and the marches are expected to interfere with all kind of infrastructure as well as factories. And finally a truce between Dkkan and Futtan has broken down as two scouts fired shots in the DMZ. The truce was created in hopes that a permanent solution could be found however after a small skirmish both nations claim the other broke the truce and now the DMZ is being remilitarised by both sides in an attempt to push the other out. Bombardment has begin in both nations. [hider=The New World][img=http://i.imgur.com/O1j79Jv.png][/hider]