(CHARACTER NAME HERE) (PERSONAL MOTTO) Full name: [include middle names and such] Titles: [these can be royal titles if they are former nobility, or nicknames] Rank: [the Iron Company follows a tight hierarchy, but most of you will be normal soldiers, with one non commanding officer and an officer. Dare take liberties but understand if it doesn't fit, I will ask you to remove it.] Age: Gender: Appearance: [img=http://api.ning.com/files/-TI4uM2ffQi*OdCLKsmb8rW4a7gZjyxwF9cqPLFSETwK*KdvoH85xugjrcADHzRVwkHnIZ69u3oFoN0OcvjxvPdnc5HqDAhG/inquisitor.png] Personality: History: [no 'I'll tell it in the IC' please, write 2 solid paragraphs minimally] Skills: [these should be somewhat noteworthy] Dreams and fears: [can be whatever, just for flavor] Favored equipment: [armor, weaponry, other equipment] Extra: [this can be like an insignia if your character is a (former) noble, or a pet, or whatever.] placeholder