The man grinned when Jurgen asked him a bunch of questions. They were pretty standard really. "As I thought, you're confused and curious. Well, allow me to try and change that. And if you're still confused after I explained a few things...too bad!" The man laughed before continuing. "You can call me Professor Nova. I'm a scientist and inventor, you see. As for why I did this; For science of course! The core of science is unbiased, above morality, and will always find you the truth in the end! Eve is my first prototype of a new kind of battle droid. But to get proper test results I couldn't just make her do some tests in a lab. As I said, science needs to be free to truly prosper after all! So I sent Eve off to live somewhere else, free to do as she pleased while I could monitor her systems without interfering. As for why I picked you...I just happened to pick you out at random. Be happy! I've already gathered that you plan on entering the arena's. With her by your side, depending on how she develops, you could even have a shot at getting into the top 10! But as I said, that depends on how she develops. You could just as well have her become a house wife. Though that would be boring of course. As for any money you earn, keep it! I have no use for it." Eve interrupted the man's ramblings with a question of her own. "I have a question. Just how advanced and independent am I?" The man laughed again, apparently finding the question quite amusing. "Good! So you're self-aware as I planned. As for your question. Let's just say...that the technology used to create you can't normally be found on the surface." He grinned maniacally. "As for independence, you have free will apart from the basic 2 laws I programmed into you. And I don't even want to control you even if I could. So be free, and give me some nice data to advance my research, okay?" Eve sighed with annoyance. This guy was more confusing than she had imagined. And he was a loon to boot. At least she was free to do whatever, for the most part.