[b]Shio[/b] "I have a key," Shio responded, holding up the key she had been given before launching into a longer explanation, "I was given this address and key in a book I found in a library in Toran. I assumed it was directing me to this shop, however I am not certain what this is for." She was unsure what she was supposed to do in response to this. She hadn't been given a password from the initial material, which could make this challenge extremely problematic. Once again, she was questioning the original material that had directed her here. Either the original author had failed to provide information or there was something the merited greater scrutiny for her. She tried to find the excitement in this, as she suspected she should, but was unsure if she was successful. She had been told that excitement involved an increased heart rate and an intangible sense of looking forward to something. Her heart was doing its duty, as per her direction, but the latter was proving more challenging.