Colonial fleets After paying handsomely (100 thousand) for the map, the Empire of Corustaria has began to load her colonial fleets and launched them to the new world. [img=] Fleet one, Red: To establish two colonies, one on either side of the straits. Carrying 1500 colonists, 1 million coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 500 recruits, aboard 1 ship of the line, a frigate and three barques. All ships except one barque is to return. Fleet 2, blue. Carrying 400 colonists, 100 thousand coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 100 recruits, aboard two brigs. All ships to return home. Fleet 3, purple. Carrying 600 colonists, 100 thousand coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 200 recruits, aboard two brigs and a galley. All ships to return home. Fleet four, pink. Carrying 800 colonists, 100 thousand coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 300 recruits, aboard two brigs and a frigate. Both brigs to return home, frigate to remain in the colonies Legislation passed through parliament! Companies act 1700; Amending the companies act 1687, the parliament of the Empire of Corustaria hereby decrees that the Empire Trading Company will be permitted to raise an armed forces of up to 75% of the size of the Empire of Corustaria's army, and a navy 50% of the size of Corustaria's navy, with a maximum of 50% of the tonnage. The Empore trading company will receive the authority to create and administer colonies in the name of the crown as they desire, and to employ privateers against any nation barring Corustaria and her allies. By mutual agreement, this act will be sealed with a grant of £4 billion to the Empire Trading Company. Taking advantage of the market... Given the instability of Argentaurumia, the Corustarian government has set a fund of 5 billion aside and is investing it into buying Argentaurumia businesses, property and land on the cheap due to the crumbling stability. They are hoping to profit off the fears of fleeing immigrants who are terrified of the Lynch mob that is the DIP Brewing Irian Civil War The Corustarian government has offered displaces Irian citizens an agreement. If they will turn over the deeds to their lands which have now been stolen by the zealots to Corustaria, Corustaria will offer them asylum from the storm that is brewing and grant them residency within Corustaria. The message is being spread by groups of messengers who have been dispatched across to the Iria Queendom and has officially been decreed as "An act of humanitarianism". The governments hope is that these asylum seekers will assimilate into Corustarian society, bolstering the work force and military pool as a result. Proposition of trade... Proposals for trade agreements are dispatched to the Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore, United Vanjanan Empire, the Empire of Lancia and the Iria Queendom. As the center point of the sea between these nations, Corustaria is hoping to establish its self as a trade hub, and to profit accordingly. Nutr Crisis The Corustarian government were split on whether to support Lancia's claim, so Her Majesty stepped into cast the deciding vote and has decide see to support Lancia's claim, though only to the lands formerly controlled by Lancia. [hider=For the Lance Kaisers Eyes Only] The most esteemed Kaiser I wish you luck with reclaiming your lands. I have a proposition for you, however. I have need of Lancia's army on a conquest of my own; Parra. I am willing to offer you part of this jewel... If I conquer it. That's where the problem is. I can destroy their navy and land my forces, however they outmatch my Empire on land by a small margin. I need you to loan me some forces for this conquest. 5000 veterans and 10000 regulars would be more than sufficient to ensure successful conquest when added to my own forces Please respond with due haste, I do not want potential competition to seize this opportunity before me. In service to the Empire - Empress Wight. [/hider]