Merry was absolutely dying. The temporary uniform she had been given was absolutely sweltering. A long sleeved, button up, shirt and pants. Both of which were made out of a heavy cloth material. Merry was sure this aided in the protection of the soldiers, and knew she would become used to it. But the sudden change in climate from the mountains to here was overwhelming for the young engineer. As soon as the group of new recruits had been dismissed Merry was off to find the nearest patch of shade. She rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and the legs of her pants, trying to desperately shed off some heat. With a soft sigh, Merry leaned up against the outside wall of a building. She glanced up on the sign hung above the entrance, it was a bar. She briefly contemplated going inside to get a glass of water, knowing full well that she wasn't old enough to buy anything alcoholic, but knowing herself she would likely cave and buy a soda. She wiped the sweat off of her flushed face, feeling a new crash of nerves. If she was getting this weakened and worn out from the heat would she ever survive a fight? With another sigh Merry looked around at the other recruits, trying to remember anything about the squad she had been assigned into.