Name: Thea Achard Age(15-21): 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Thea is a bit hot headed and sarcastic, she'll say what's on her mind when she's angry. She also questions things when she finds them unfair. Despite these things she is very loyal and will defend her friends no matter what. When someone insults a person she cares about she will not ignore it. She has trouble keeping her mouth shut, though when someone is hurting she tries hard to listen, especially if it's someone she respects. She is a bit rash, but when others are dependind on her she is more calculating. She loves animals and wishes to be an apprentice to the HorseMaster. She is known to rant to the horses when no one is there to talk to, which frightens a few people, which she laughs at. She seems strong, but she has fears like anyone else. She is scared of being alone and of being betrayed by someone. She also has the fear of spiders. History: Thea ended up at the Castle because she simply had no where else to go. She had to leave her home because her family was poor and they simply could not feed her because she has 8 other siblings of which she is the youngest. She was put in a travelling troupe at the age of 5 and perhaps got her fiery tongue from. She learned to play the pipes there and do a few simple acrobatic acts. (Cartwheels and such). They were like her family and she loved them all very dearly. However, they became separated at a giant fair that they performed at every year. At first she thought nothing of it, as it had happened before. Then, when she couldn't find them at the inn or even after the fair ended she panicked. She searched everywhere for them for a full year. When she finally found them again they had a new leader who would not allow her back into the troupe. Thea would have fought with him, except that she was afraid of endangering the other's, as performing was the only way of earning money. So, she left and after a while landed herself a job at an inn caring for horses. Other: She loves music and instruments as well as animals.