[center][img=http://thesingleplayermode.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/pokemon-banner.jpg?w=470&h=174][/center] [center]Ok so this is a Rp that I have wanted to run for quite sometime, It will start out in the Kanto region and run through all the known Regions. I have this idea of running the Rp much like the games, having the same kind of follow however the character interactions and that would be greatly enhanced. As such I am looking for maybe a group of 4-7 who would like to adventure around all of the pokemon regions and to discover the way the Pokemon world really works. 3 of the people will start out in Pallet town and they will chose the starters, 2 will start as team Rocket, ((I know I had to)) and 1 will be the League Champ travelling the world guiding the new and upcoming trainers, and 1 will play the leader of team rocket. Now this is non Cannon and I don't want to see Ash or Red wannabe's, It'd be nice to place a new spin on Pokemon, I myself will play all NPC's and Scenario's, but will not have an active character if this makes any sense.. Any Questions simply reply to this thread..... Please be interested[/center]