Kade stared at the roof of her dorm room, the lights were off and there wasn't any music playing to calm her. She wasn't there to sleep, she wasn't entirely sure why she was just laying around doing nothing. She wasn't too close to Vera, they spoke and hung out a couple of times, that was it. It still hurt her to know she was gone, but Kade was more worried about what caused her demise. Worse yet, she was afraid that she might be pinned for it. Her climbing axe was already confiscated, deemed to be a potential weapon and she had spoken to at least a dozen investigators and school officials. Her reputation for being in the gray area for being good and bad didn't help anything either, she was unpredictable. Kade groaned and rolled onto her stomach, holding her face in her pillow as she mulled things over. She was quiet for a good two minutes until she felt an itch at the sole of her bare foot. She flicked her foot, when it didn't go away, she lifted herself and looked at her foot. She saw one of those plant things her new roommate commanded around climbing onto her bed. "Oi! Screw off!" she kicked it off her bed and groaned again. With a long breath, Kade threw herself onto her feet, almost stepping on another plant. At least they made the room smell good. Kade looked out the window and saw things were as active as they usually were. She looked each person over, "Who did it..." she mumbled to herself, "Who did it..." Kade repeated. "Which one of you has the guts to ki- Valjean!" she said his name much louder than the rest. "It had to have been him! That son of a bitch! Vera must've pissed him off." Kade changed from her simple white tank top and sweat pants to more presentable clothes. She wore a long sleeve shirt, black in the torso and white on the arms. There was a large yin-yang symbol on the back of it. For pants, she wore plain black denim that hugged her frame. Kade put on a thin white hoodie and left it unzipped as she kicked on some shoes and left her dorm. She tied her hair back into a simple ponytail as she walked down the hallway and into the courtyard. Kade wanted to find Valjean, she didn't want to confront him, but she wanted to keep her eyes on him. She hated that guy, and he seemed like the one guy in the academy to pull it off. She was just passing by the entrance to the building where Vera was found. She bit her lip and kept moving on, stopping only when she heard the announcement of a school meeting in the auditorium. Kade sighed and clenched her teeth, "I'll look out for him there." she mumbled under her breath and turned to make head to the auditorium.