[URL=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/163/e/6/e667a0a678277ccc94ee39298d16d4fe-d5379wk.jpg]T'ethe Alla[/URL] <----click ???? years ago Loud crashes of sound had been piercing the silence that previously had given Tyra-Zhen comfort, the echo of first a shrill noise, then the roar of fire and light rushing around her body in a cyclone that rattled her down to her very soul. She winced, taking a deep breath before focusing her essence further outward. She'd taken some time to visit a place that held many memories, some were more liked than others, while some of these memories were a gateway to take Tyra back to a place and time when, she had still been a real person. It was a shame that nothing she had tried, was even a modicum of what had been needed, back then to save herself from the darkness. It was the simple things in life that could lead one astray, taking any individual down a path that, for all they knew, would end up as centuries worth of time spent getting back to the present. For the time being, dwelling on such things actually put Tyra back into a better mood than she was in. In all the years that this peculiar world had been eroded by the chaotic energies washing against the edges of various other worlds, causing it to become very unstable, the sound of raw energy being fused into, and then diffused out from magical essence, had always been a sound which Tyra-Zhen had a disdain for. Even when her master had suffered a loss to the Dusk Titan, he and Tyra had come to this same area. Back then it seemed less potent. Now the sound was comparable to that of numerous dying beasts or some other combination of awful sounds, which nabbed at her focus, causing her to sweat even more profusely in the heat. [B][I]"This noise...I hate it."[/I][/B] Tyra looked beyond the edge of the spire she stood atop, her eyes piercing the thick white veil of magic bonded with energy, to the scorched plains below. She wiped the edge of her brow, blinking a few times at how ridiculous the action was to begin with. [B][I]"I don't even remember the last time I sweated this much!!! This place sure has gotten much more dangerous than I remember it. I suppose that a person with Vagras, would enjoy being around here much more than I."[/I][/B] The person Tyra was referring to was a long time friend and Tyra’s master, that was well known in many places as, Vagras. This creature’s real name was Erebos Irving, he whom embraced the magic of the Black Luminous, thus turning Erebos from a mere mortal into a creature that was betwixt the concepts of both existence and non existence. It was he, that Tyra had come to this desolated world for. It was he, that Tyra knew would aid him in stitching the scattered pieces of the past back together. Time was of the essence, even for a complete heartless like Tyra-Zhen, there were great risks involved, when one got too close to the very heart of a world. In a normal situation the world's heart would be at a calm, but where things had gone amuck, like the world Tyra was on, the heart of the world was in a deep turmoil. As Tyra weakened, she tried harder to ignore the grinding tone of the magic pillar encompassing most of her form, her two extra sets of angelic arms were braced, muscles bulging. She sighed deeply, Tyra hadn't held up the cores of any worlds in at least sixty years, she'd forgotten just how much of a task it could really be. Another realization had been rapidly deduced by Tyra, one that she didn't want to admit, but knew was obvious if the comparison was made. She had gotten weaker since being cast unto Valhalla, many changes across many worlds had all affected how Tyra-Zhen existed. Chaos was brewing at every corner, more was to come in the near future, it was a cycle that Tyra and Erebos were far too familiar with. [B][I]"If he's closer than I'm sensing, I might be worse off than I originally calculated..." [/I][/B] Tyra shook her head from side to side, bracing herself as the pillar started shaking violently, ripples of magic rocked Tyra-Zhen back and forth, she swayed a bit, but was able to keep a steady grip using all six of her arms. [B][I]“Ugh, I can’t let go!!!"[/I][/B] She groaned as the pressure from the core of the pillar surrounding her, began to start increasing at a faster pace, her eyes burned with a deep white sheen as two more arms sprouted, one on either side of Tyra’s body. [B][I]"MASTER EREBOS!!! HURRY UP BEFORE THIS ENTIRE WORLD COLLAPSES UPON US!!!"[/I][/B]