[quote=BlazeGamma] Okay, two major annoyance points:One: Keep. Weapons. Simple. Everyone starts with a general weapon type. Hatchets? Just an axe. Battleaxe? STILL JUST AN AXE. Got a Zweihander? Just a sword. Katana? Same. Bloody. Sword. Everyone starts with a weapon type singular at the start, and they don't even have access to it until a few posts into the RP.Two: Once I start going over CSes tomorrow, I will not accept any history as a reaper sorts.I've allowed two, and that's it. The majority of the students should only know they were given a free ride at a prestigious school. If you look at my CS, you may notice that my character has NO IDEA why he's there. That should be the majority, not just one guy.Sorry about being a hardass on this, but it needs to be done. OOC will be up tomorrow.Edit: So the second problem seems less severe after a quick skim. My apologies about being so harpy on it. Still, I will not be accepting any more students who already know the school's secret. So yeah. [/quote] Actually and not to call you out, but your cs just says he doesn't have a choice nothing about him not knowing the schools true nature so I didn't get that vibe so I apologize.