The force of the two explosions sent her knees buckling forward, resulting in her collapsing forward loudly with the front of her knees drilling into the ground as they held up the weight of her massive body, stopping her from falling any further as she sat in a kneeling position amidst the thrown up rocks and dust. The armor on the back of her knees was thinner than most, so was badly damaged and likely wouldn't withstand another attack. To think that he had already managed to damage her armor, even if at a weak point, to such an extent. This little man had a surprising amount of firepower for his size. Plus her armor was growing uncomfortably hot around her leg where she had been hit. Must be the alcohol in the bottle that he was holding that was now smashed against her leg; otherwise whatever fire he had used would not cling to her metal armor unless magical in nature. It depended on how long the fire would last, but if it heated up bad enough she'd have to remove her greaves and be left defenseless there in exchange for not being burned, which could actually end up more troublesome. As for right now she still had the issue of the man to worry about over the fire. In this position he was about even with her hips and right behind her, a position that she would find hard to reach in order to retaliate. Harder to reach than he had already proven himself to be in his opening attacks. She had no experience fighting small opponents, so this was a real eye opener for what they were capable of. She didn't recognize him as being superior to her, so had no intention of serving him, but she did respect his talents and recognized the fact that he had bested her so far, even if simply from the element of surprise and her own inexperience. However, there was no way she'd give up the fight this easily. Without any way to reach his current position effectively, she did what would hopefully be a surprise move and fell backwards to try and crush him underneath her back. It wouldn't take gravity all that long to accomplish this even without her help, and with how large she was it would be difficult for him to completely clear her girth in time. It would be like a tree fell on top of him, although even heavier and wearing metal armor. Perhaps falling wasn't the most dignified attack, but it would certainly be an effective one if it hit.