Alekos Diakopi got out of the silver grey car. He had been doing research non stop for at least 10 hours. Therefore, he felt tired, and his appearance surely showed it. His eyes had bags underneath them, his hair was messy, his clothes were creased and he still had his research notes tucked inside his shirt pocket. To say the least, Alekos felt wretched. It was always a tough job with the White Gloves, and sometimes Alekos wondered what it would have been like if he denied the offer and stayed with the museum. Alekos had been suddenly startled by a voice over the intercom: "All personnel please report to the briefing room. We have a situation developing in Eastern Africa.". Alekos had got out of his seat, and tidied up his desk slightly. In his haste, he nearly knocked over a glass of water, but managed to stop it from tipping over completely. However, a bit of water had gotten onto one of his cards. He bought the cards in case he was asked something, or the reason why he was doing so much research. Alekos's thoughts when he was in the car were mostly about what Kaiju had attacked now. At one point in his research he had compiled a table of the current attacks, and grouped them into mammals, reptiles/amphibians, invertebrates and a column called "Other". Alekos had a small version of the on one of his cards in his shirt pocket. He yawned as he walked up to the door. Alekos was greeted with a relieving hum of noise. "Good" Alekos muttered to himself in Greek. "The briefing has not started yet.". Alekos opened the door as quietly as he could, and searched for an empty seat. When he located one, he sat down and begun to slip through his cards. All of his cards were written in English, for easy reading if he was asked to read them out. English seemed to be the general language among the White Gloves. Alekos muttered his notes to himself as he waited for the briefing to begin.