Name: Gwendolyn Ainsworth Age: 18 [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] Skills/Power: Gemini- Gwen can speak any language fluently, and can communicate efficiently with anyone she wants to, including computer languages. She can also influence people, although usually only when their really drunk. Bio: Gwen was born in Swansea, Wales to her mother, never knowing who her father was as she was conceived under the influence of drinks and that year's National Eistoddfod. Welsh was her first language although she learned English soon after, and while she picked it up rather easy, her mother just assumed that was because of how immersed she was in it. However a couple years later, Gwen was able to converse with a French couple who was lost with no difficulty. It was then she realized she was quite...different Name: Cowyn Ainsworth Age: 18 [hider=appearance][img=][/hider] Skills/Power: Gemini- Cowyn is the exact opposite of his sister in the way that while it's harder for him to pick up languages(which he still can although he only speaks about 300 languages fluently)but he can influence people rather well, as long as they're at least somewhat willing. Bio: Cowyn grew up as the man in his house, protecting his mother and sister. He didn't do it the conventional way, though, instead he became a silver-tongued devil, convincing people to help them get through life as they got older. His sister didn't realize what he was doing but it was the reason for their popularity and good life. Location of their tattoo: The right half is on Gwen's left arm and the left half is on Cowyn's right arm