[b] Magnus Elea-Tremblay [/b] Sitting there, slow thoughts boggling his mind. A almost blank stare on his face. Silently humming, somehow you could almost feel it. Kerry came through, scruff and dirty. Like they always were, but he had to pay no mind. "I hear there's someone knew, Tremblay did him a favour, now's he's going to help us? Is this true?" Magnus tilted his head, not even bothering to fully look at the man. Yet his eyes, not even gazing at the man. still sunk through kerry's heart. "Ah, Yes...Though I don't really see how he's going to help us-" Kerry realized his mistake almost immediately. Magnus frowned as he spoke, something about manners he was always talking about. Kerry wanted to tell him to piss off, but...they all knew to keep to his little self rules. "I see" Magnus put his two hands to his mouth. A moment of silence swept through the room, "You see this..." Magnus looked up at Kerry, "Matt" "Matt, does he look like he can....help us?" Magnus eyes widened to express his question. "I wouldn't know, looks like a smug one alright" Kerry avoided looking at him. For being in a shithole of a world he seemed completely spotless. How he did that was a miracle, little tuffs of grey hairs came from his hair and beard. Those eyes, blank and pale. Pupils looking as if stale. Small thin-rimmed glasses. Kerry didn't like the guy, but you couldn't help but feel like shitting your pants near him. If Kerery wasn't hoping to run away as soon as possible he would of heard the smallest of sighs from the man. "Well...goodbye" Magus went back to a old dusty book. Kerry didn't care, he walked briskly as you could say. "To use....."