'And a good fucking day to you too buddy.' the elf bit back his mental retort. there was no need to antagonize the situation further, but this man needed to learn that there was something to be said about not pissing people off professional criminals who would be holding guns to your back on a high stakes dangerous job where death was expected. and who would only receive a larger paycheck if you did indeed die. "Well I was trying to make casual conversation in the hopes of introduction. Something I figured was appropriate and polite in this situation." He said calmly and smoothly, but smirked under his mask.This man seemed to have formed an opinion of him, gods knows on what information he based this opinion on, he knew he was awkward in overly bright rooms because of his condition. It was hard to remain still when the light burned your skin. He found it interesting the man would get so riled after a single question. Maybe he could have fun needling him in the future with similar questions? He worked with this sort before. He thought himself the greatest thing to combat since the generals of old. Could single handedly cut through an army of lone star security and somehow miraculously not get touched by a single bullet from trained and tried professionals. Most people like this he met on jobs died doing just that, or attempting something similar. Before another man walked in, some young human who typical of his kind was trying to flirt with the first thing he saw that had breasts. And then a troll of all things was soon to follow. The troll sat silently and the elf could respect not desiring conversation by not speaking as opposed to the human's actions. So he said nothing to the troll and leaned back into the chair.