Jacob gave the old man in the cloak a encouraging smile "Don't worry sir, I came here searching for these fiends, I plan to uncover whatever the hell there doing." He began to order villagers, hunters with bows to take position around the weak wooden walls, next he organized the Villagers with pitchforks and sticks into a large group in the square "Right you all will stay here among in the walls, I will draw the bandits in and try to cut down as many as possible but what gets past me you must kill, your job is to protect your homes, your families, your children! I am but one man, you are a village and if you stand side by side you cannot be defeated!" He cried out to the assembled conscripts as they cheered for the young tactician. "Now I need volunteers who will be willing to step outside of the village with me, I cannot guarantee the safety of those who do but I can promise it will help drive these bandits back. If you wish not to join me outside please return to fortifying the walls and gathering weapons." The crowd murmured quietly as Jacob watched most of them contemplating joining him however no one had stepped forward, they were eager to defend there homes not to go out and attack the bandits in a small organized raid. He prayed silently that he would not have to go out there alone, he hoped if the village had any talented warriors they would step forward and join him. Most of the group left heading back to prepare the walls and close the gates, Jacob waited patiently on the outside he was as calm and collected as ever, inside he was a wreck of nerves.