[i]Holy hell[/i] about summed up what was running through Devin's head at that time. It had been far too long since he's seen another single human let alone "outsiders" although all things considered he was the outsider this case. Whoever these people are they were very different from his own, they dressed differently, carried themselves differently, used strange weapons, and even their speech was strange. After the odd men killed the remaining two beasts, in what Devin considered to be in a reckless manner as one of the ancestors lessons say [i] Never fight up close, always maintain distance. [/i] all it takes is one swipe from a beast to kill a man, he heard one of them talk. At first it sounded like the Fin's tongue yet different some of the words Devin didn't know. [quote=Olev] "We kill him, no mercy. Let me to him first." [/quote] That was all Devin could make out, a combination of distance and simply not knowing the meaning of a few words made it difficult to understand of most of the sentence. It seemed they may be there to kill him, figured it wasn't the beasts or trolls that were going to end his life but members of his own species. A preemptive strike might have been his best chance, they used what looked like shields made out of wood and metal a bullet should be able to punch through at first glance, problem is Devin knew nothing about the capabilities of these people, looks are not reliable alone. Devin's glaze roamed below him when he saw the bullet casings, he almost forgot to pick them up. He knelt down still keeping his stare on the men to pick up the casings then stored them in a small pouch on his belt, it was important to recover the casings or else he would have no way to make more ammunition. One of the men walked forward from the group, Devin reasoned he could be the leader which was perfect. If the situation got worse he could kill the leader since he was so exposed, maybe in the shock he would be able to sprint past the mob of armed warriors. [quote=Olev] " Hello. Who you be? [/quote] From this distance it was much easier to hear him speak, still some of the words were strange, but Devin fortunately was able to understand the meaning this time. If the leader was willing to be diplomatic then that was fine with Devin, still if these men did want to kill him it was best to attack first. His Finnish was somewhat rusty but that shouldn't have been a problem, "Devin Lienheart, I'm only passing through I don't need trouble."