“I never said I was from here, and as far as ‘here’ goes, I haven’t had any issues. Even met a nice elven woman earlier.” she interjected briefly, her voice trailing off as he continued. "But how do you see me?" It was put to her as a test and Corvus made no attempts to hide that. "If I can see right through you, I wonder if you can do the same to me. Perhaps we are just open people, or know each other particularly well. Tell me what you think of me." She scrunched her nose at the question posed. “You seem to be a bit of a perfectionist, though that may be a bit strong of a word, but that's what makes you come off as pompous. You know how things should be, perhaps, but you like when things are that certain way, and that is that. While you may not show it, I can see in your eyes that you've known loss. Whether it was a big deal to you or not, your past is not without some … broken pieces. In ‘that’, you and I are similar. You’re smart enough to access a situation before diving head in on impulse. You’re careful, calculating, knowledgeable, educated, sounds like from experience as well as formal training. From the looks of you, you’re well traveled, and not a stranger to battle. Though I haven’t seen you in combat, I’d hope that you’re not all talk and that you actually know what you’re doing. But you also seem to either enjoy the sound of your own voice, and or giving unsolicited advice, passing on your wisdom.” She ended with a flourish wave of her hands. There was a sense of sass and wit in her words, but all in all they were genuine, and this was just her. “I didn't play a bad hand, perhaps I overplayed my hand at first, but I knew enough to muck it in and just shut up and follow. So I’d like to think that while I am impulsive and impatient at times, I am smart enough in dire times, to avoid death. I am an amateur, and I do have a lot to learn. But life, being what it has been, has forced me to learn as I go. You ever think that maybe you had a head start, or traveled a slightly different or better path?” With this, she lifted a brow, peeking out at him from under her hood. At this point she was walking side by side with him, keeping pace. “I was being slightly sarcastic when I said that you see right through me. However, you were right with a lot of things. Perhaps we are very open, or maybe it is that we know each other particularly well. You do remind me a lot of someone I knew once. But I also know that what each of us has seen is only a part of the whole. We each can get better, can be more, but at the same time, what we've presented, what we've both seen was not our best. For one, I have yet to see you use that thing” she pointed to his sword, “other than to threaten me or … pursue your quest of questioning me until I yielded to your superiority” she chortles softly, humor being her shield, her words coated with a thin layer of sarcasm.