[center][b][u]Asghard[/u][/b][/center] The Sensei Overlord has decided Asghard's future course of actions. Upon hearing the tale of anew land, with prosperity abroad, he quickly managed a small amount of ships with a large amount of colonistsand enough supplies to build a settlement. As he officially prepared ships, fleet and letters, a knock rang his door. "Come in." he said with a large voice, as the doors were both elegant yet thick. "Sensei Overlord, word spread about you taking action on the new land amon the castle. Is it true?" This was the current Sensei Overlord's second cousin. He particulary disliked him, but he would never disrespect him like that. "Truth. I plan on sending a fleet with colonists and supplies as soon as possible. What need you be?" he said. "Well, Sensei, other countries have also began sending fleets to colonize, as we've been told." he thought for a moment. "Have a letter sent to the other colonizing Nations, that," his cousin began writing down what the Sensei Overlord desired. "'We've been notified of your Nation preparing and/or sending fleets to colonize the New Land. We wish for peace, and we wish to not be involved in skirmishes over territory. We are also interested in Economic possibilites. Respond as you wish.'" his cousin had written that down and took it down to the lower levels of the castle to be sent. The Sensei overlord sniffled, as he had a bit of a cold, but nothing that would stop him from his duties. [hider=Settling]It begins with Asghard sending out one fleet of 2 Barques and a Frigate, holding 1750 colonists, 550 Conscripts, $4 million, plenty of tools (used in farming, mining, building, etc), enough seeds to cultivate a large amount of land (same for livestock), and spare food to last until the nearest harvest of the newly planted crops and livestock. All colonists claim land for Asghard and not for themselves, 750 into settling for farming, 750 into mining, 500 into factories and 500 into other.[hider2=Pathway][img=http://i.imgur.com/qPogays.png?1][/hider2][/hider] [hider=Economic]Many offers of Trade Routes were prepared and sent to every Stable and above Nation. Aletter has been sent saying [hider2=the following,]"We've been notified of your Nation preparing and/or sending fleets to colonize the New Land. We wish for peace, and we wish to not be involved in skirmishes over territory. We are also interested in Economic possibilites. Respond as you wish. - With peaceful regards, 'Sensei Overlord' Ecvhan Naeraon"[/hider2][/hider]