[b]Warren. Again. Let's just keep it as Warren as the title or something.[/b] Warren ignored the call sign, he had come to grow used to the derogative nickname given to him by the rest of the team. "Well, as much as I'd love to play dress up with Howard, I don't think the people here will see him in a baseball cap as another person." As if in response, Howard beeped, turning back and forth slightly. Warren chuckled and rubbed the little bot on the head. He began setting up a small path for the bot as the others readied up. "I'll have Howard stay close, but he'll be limited by the alleyways a little bit since he can't directly follow us without getting spotted." He attached the tablet onto its normal spot, resting on his rucksack in an easy to reach location. "You've been a little quiet, doc. Any ideas from you?" --- [b]Wes Shanks, Rescue Team.[/b] "Ooh, thermite!" Wes said with a hint of glee as the nearby soldiers passed them a few hefty sticks. "Ain't that a surprise, 'ey Fräulein?" he said with a bit of a condescending tone. "Now we get to rescue the big man of the company AND burn a high tech piece of military equipment! Two birds with one stone, I say." He switched the safety off of his weapon as the city was probably now classified as a Warzone. He tore his gaze away from his weapon to take a good hard breath. "Smells like gasoline and burned corpses. Man, I sure hope the smell dissipates by the time we get there. I had a chili MRE this morning. Not good for the indigestion, me thinks." He looked back at the Kaiserin. "Got a plan, Fräulein?" ---