[b] Maj Anna Miller [/b] When the Lt.Col walked out in his sunday best, Anna couldn't help but feel a little underdressed standing there in her flight suit. The Col told them to stand at ease and there was the unanimous sound of boots clicking against the ground as those in uniform, as their CO ran through the briefing. She nodded at some parts and furrowed her brow at others. She had a few questions and when he asked for questions she delivered. "Sir." She spoke aloud, "Are refueling craft going to be provided, if not then can we bring our own? It could possibly extend our search from the air. Also sir can our local assets lend us PT boats for radar usage? I'm no squid but enough of those armed with depth charges could bring the beasty to the surface." She continued feeling the eyes of her fellows on her she reddened. She reddened further when she offered her idea after one of the hired guns said the samething his ending as her questions had begun. ------------- [b] Thomas Glasgow [/b] As the soldiers ebbed the group of scientists moved forward, the biologist Rio or something in her wheelchair made an attempt at nervous small talk. "You know, i can give you one of my smaller tables, might make things easy for you." He said his statement coming from nowhere, he realized that sounded rude like she was some incompetent. "I don't mean it to sound like i am being rude. Just maybe your work will improve with a smaller table." He stated, he realized he now made it sound like she didn't work at all so frustrated he moved ahead into the breifing room. He listened to one of the military types deliver his briefing. Then when he was finished, he turned and walked out of the room to go pack his tools. When he made it back to his lab his tools were packed and not trusting them to have proper equipment he loaded his microscope into a tough as nails case and sat there waiting for the order to head out.