"Hey! See, Julie agrees. We need food" Gio looked at his claw and outfit and realised the point. He scratched the back of his head "I'm hungry, I can't think right. I see your point. Maybe a bloody claw, an optic eye and an Commissar outfit is not a good idea. But I have a bloody claw!" Gio snapped his claws in front of everyone and paused halfway, realising consequences. "Shit! I have a bloody claw. How am I gonna explain this to my girlfriend. I, I" Gio slumped on the ground, resting his head on the couch and letting his legs splay out, a look of sadness on his face "I, I can't hug my Girlfriend anymore. I loved cuddling with her. Now I'm a stupid" Gio teared at his coat "idiot with a claw. That can't...... even hug his girlfriend" Gio let a tear out and got up. "I need a drink. Excuse me" Head held down, he shoved his way through and went into the corridor, tears falling. He suddenly stopped. "Wait, wasn't Sarah dead...... Fuck GUYS!" He ran into the room, red faced with tears still falling. "FUCKING SARAH's DEAD! FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO! She was cosplaying as a dead person! FUCK EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG!" Gio then covered his mouth with a hand, realising he was shouting. Silently, he whispered "Fuck"