"Sure thing, Victor. With the money I made, it's no big deal." Natalie said, following him closely as she smiled onwards, feeling confident and tall among the crowd. The odd picture from a phone was taken, of this extraordinary pair, as they simply walked towards their table in the restaurant, Natalie's pure size undeniable. She knew that Victor knew two large curves she had tonight decided to suppress well, and two on her rear that most enemies had found was their ending. None the less, it was probably better to not blow too many people's minds in here again, by just adjusting her dress and her bra a little. She knew that females on this earth were lusted and desired, and herself in particular would know that if she didn't stock up as much in muscle that she would end up in magazines, would be a typical dumb bitch, posing for the camera to advertise some new bra or some new panties. She was just glad to know that not one man would dare touch her in the wrong way, and she had never been used for sex alone. For now, Natalie thought, Victor was the only man that really knew what got her going, and vice versa. And the fact of the matter was, that like Victor, her life was very, very different to what a normal "mortal" viewed it as, Natalie thought to herself. She didn't have an easy life as the WSM's boyfriend and companion. She was his Amazon to his Warrior, her Bear to his Brute. They were beyond any recognition to anyone that dared even plausibly think that was what they did for a living. Looking around, as her wide rear came down on the seat, Natalie was already quick to look at the menu, beginning a conversation with Victor after a small lull. "I haven't visited your place, over in the US. From what you say, it must be beautiful, like Siberia but warmer and with more spiritual culture. Then again, you need to see St Petersburg. We have a club culture there, believe me. The men do Coke all the time and the women are sluts, so I kinda come in quite well when I go out with my sister. Shit, I haven't seen her in two months now...but the music, the atmosphere, it's wonderful. " Natalie said, thinking back to Catherine, and her dad. He was strong, built like a truck when he was in his prime from the stories Natalie heard from him- but he was just some washed up drunk now, in some care home. Natalie took care of him none the less, and sent Catherine some money if she was ever short. She had gone through a couple abusive relationships a few years ago, when she had just begun University- Natalie's intervention and breasts had convinced the offenders to lay off, and unlike anything else, Catherine had never heard back from them. In some ways, Natalie knew that she was gifted, lucky, and with many things that women would kill for. It was why she wanted to at least do good now, and she knew full well that a man that appreciated her wiles, like Victor, was the best type of boyfriend, and maybe husband. And for her day job, she flaunted around in a near-invincible suit of armor and a minigun, killing terrorists whilst getting paid good sums of money, whilst also being able to..have a little fun, of course. It wasn't like a video game, where those bosses were evil and schemed and had weak points, with grizzled faces and impracticalies. For all it mattered, Natalie knew that men could burst in and gun her down, probably being more likely than not. But she knew that herself and Victor were on the right side, and knew that life, at times, was a dream for herself. "Shit, still makes me think one day Victor, we'll just retire and have a few kids, they'll be taller than you and they'll all be running around and probably not needing to kill people for a living. I mean, unless we get blown up at some point right?" Natalie said, holding his hand on the table as she used her right paw- or at least, what was to her proportional hand, to open up the menu, and quickly find the nicest Steak that they had on the menu at what would be a normally extortionate price, with all the finishings being the cream of the crop. It said it was in a more exorbitant proportion, for more of a challenge. This was a nice restaurant, but even they had to provide significant portions for those who just couldn't do with the normal, and this seemed a little bit...extreme for most. Natalie waited for the waiter to come over, aware that herself, she'd need two. She hadn't eaten properly the day before, and if there was one thing her stomach demanded, was to quench the need for hunger.