[quote=hamoflague] I'm really sorry guys. My holidays have started and I expected to have a reasonable amount of free time.....NOPE! Got dragged into a home reno at my parents and they appear to dislike me using the computer (don't even ask, it's weird). So I'll try to throw it up, but if I can't this week, I'll be asking Veritisu to do for me and he'll take over the frp.I am seriously sorry about this guys, I actually thought I would be able to relax and enjoy my time off uni and get something going. If I don't get to run/join this frp, I hope you guys enjoy the experience. :D [/quote] If I'm taking over, I will need a couple of things from anyone participating. The first will be a ship spec set this includes but is not limited to, armaments, defences, crew size, support craft and fighters, any special weapons or equipment. if you have weapons that have a limited number of ammunition (such as missiles, non energy based cannons and torpedos among others) I will need an ammo count for that as well (point defence weapons need not apply but anything with a chance to damage another ship needs to be accounted for). This helps me to balance every ones ships pre game and helps to keep it fair. if your ship has special equipment, please link me to a video or some description of the device in action. I am not a knowledge base of all lores and thus I will have to do my research to balance the ships. also please include a rough guess of how much damage you feel each of your weapons can do in ONE shot, if you have 52 guns I need to know how much one of you guns does, we multiply the damage from there. Try not to Meta. It really destroys the fun if one person is consistently winning because they know every weakness through meta. To learn weaknesses you'll have to get close to another ship and scan it for weaknesses and perform a tactical analysis. this way all knowledge of a ship is kept to characters unless they wish to share said knowledge. Please note that I will be handing out warnings for blatant meta, with harsher penalties for repeat offenders. I don't mean to take away from the freedom, but the meta can kill an FRP. As GM I will sometimes do things within universe. Sometimes you may not agree. If you feel this way please PM me and we can discus this, though the final decisions will be down to hamoflague and myself. If I can get those ship specs as soon as possible, the sooner we can get this show on the road. Thanks