[b] Intro [/b] - Hey Guys, I have a little something that we could totally build around and make a sick Anime Sci-Fi Fantasy Roleplay out of, Mostly based of me watching Infinite Stratos, Gundam, Gurren Lagann and more. I wrote up a back piece to get people interested. [hider=Lore] In the near future, a Veteran of WW10 has been placed out of cryo stasis to teach the citizens of Japan and the world, on how possessing technology doesn't ever mean war. It had been 100 years since she arrived into one of 5 remaining peaceful territories that remained on earth. Australia, England/France (Known as Brittaria) and China. All working together to maintain peace inside there borders. The land outside these countries have become known as the Battlegrounds in which these five continents strive to settle disputes and where all War is held, recently taken over by a uncontrollable force of false "Rebels" who believe the Governments are a disgrace to humankind and have tried many terrorist assaults on each 5 continents. Japan has been renowned for a war free continent of peace, still proud of having efficient use of combat instead of just mere violence. The Veteran resides here, founding a 50 year old Academy known as Kuraudo Teku Academy or KT for short, built on it's own Island off the shores of a city that used to be known as Tokyo, renamed Sutoratosu, 5 years after WW10. The Academy is for students who are gifted with technology like no other, all from around the world people enroll at this amazing establishment. The Peace Treaty signed by Japan allows all technology to be used outside of Violent intended Combat and distributed evenly if ever put under mass production.. Therefor allowing tournaments for Strider Mechs and other inventions made by students and scientists alike. It's been 100 years since the Founder had passed away, the Academy still runs as well as when she was alive. The Students have been brighter than ever. But the issue's are about to get much worse. Tech from KT has been reported stolen, from an unknown source in the news recently, coincidentally KT Tech has been spotted in the Battlegrounds, further away from Japan. Could this be the start of a new Era. The end of Peace once again? [/hider] That's just a rough idea, for now... PM me if interested. EDIT: Well that didnt work, I shall move onto a new Interst check about something else then.