WIP so far ---- [u][b]NAME:[/b][/u] Logan Vallance [u][b]APPROX AGE RANGE:[/b][/u] 15-17 [u][b]ROOM ITEMS:[/b][/u] [url=http://outshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/image_2463.png]Deck of Playing Cards[/url] – Found inside a [url=http://www.theenglishgroup.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/11_28_12_ArtisanCollectors_2-460x314.jpg]hefty wooden box[/url] with an intricate design. Initial inspection of the expensive deck of cards revealed three missing, which were later found hidden in various corners of the room. [url=http://s984.photobucket.com/user/mikesrestraints/media/Picture022-2.jpg.html]Handcuffs and Key[/url] – A set of fairly flimsy handcuffs are lying under his bed, the key next to them. They are inscribed with a name on them: [i]Loki[/i]. [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/38/95/4d38955b6b0598e444b351ef8731bdb8.jpg]Choker[/url] – A gothic necklace in an old-fashioned style, all black and silver. [url=https://img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/6332722/il_fullxfull.300641257.jpg]Family Tree[/url]– A tapestry of fairly new creation despite having an antiquated design. [url=http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/miX_ou3a1cRZOFhogMV1SJQ.jpg]White Facepaint[/url] – A tub of fancy, creamy white facepaint, just as it says on the tin. [u][b]BEAR:[/b][/u] [url=http://ahdimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/cute-teddy-bears-wallpapers-6-300x294.jpg]Pictured here.[/url] A small brown teddy bear with roses in its hand and a gift tag attached. It is devoid of any name save Logan's, and the message reads '[i]2 the bae, lol[/i]'. [u][b]SELF ASSESSMENT:[/b][/u] Logan found it difficult to wake up and once he did, he had to force himself to stand up and about. From this, he has determined that he is lazy or, at best, a procrastinator. He warred with himself on whether or not it was worth the effort investigating his surroundings but curiosity won out. While searching, he found himself constantly asking questions both in his head and aloud to the empty room, the latter being an uncontrollable urge – he wonders whether he is used to hearing no reply. The sound of his own voice is comforting enough to stave away the senseless, gnawing worry that is beginning to eat away at him. With constantly twitching legs and idle hands, Logan has determined that being still and confined in a room for so long is boring. His imagination was sparked as well in the long silence and he feels something that he thinks is inspiration, though to do what he is not sure. His thoughts tended to drift towards the bear more than any of the other objects in the room, prompting him to ask himself if he is secretly a romantic. [u][b]PERSONAL PROFILE (UNDER DEVELOPMENT):[/b][/u] The first thing that Logan noticed was that as he was moving around and ducking under the bed to find the various items scattered around the room, he was becoming short of breath, even without having done much exercise – he immediately considered asthma or some other breathing condition, even though it could just be an unhealthy lifestyle. When he found the bear with his name clasped between its arms on a tiny card, he considered whether he was in a romantic relationship. Surely he wouldn't be the one receiving the gift, right? It seemed rather girly, but he did chuckle at it. The words inscribed on the gift tag baffled him, however, as they didn't appear complete. Perhaps they were used ironically? Logan's first impression of the playing cards was that they must surely have cost a fortune, ornately inscribed with the designs and all. It made him wonder whether he knew any card games – maybe poker – but he couldn't recall. Even so, when he pulled them out of the box and collected the missing ones, he shuffled them effortlessly. The only plausible explanation he could think of was gambling. As for the choker and the white face paint, Logan felt ridiculously uneasy about them, especially as he tested the cosmetic product on his hand. He was pale enough to begin with but that was far, far worse. The good thing is that it prompted no allergy from him, though he wondered why he was checking that to begin with. Perhaps it was a fashion statement. The family tree made Logan think that he must be an heir of some kind; however, his own name was not present on the tapestry despite there being blank spaces on it. The 'Vallance' name was on it several times over, which suggested to him that he was somehow related to them. [b][u]JOURNAL:[/u][/b] A [url=https://img1.etsystatic.com/040/0/8964205/il_340x270.632195871_mzi1.jpg]purple notebook[/url] with plain, unlined paper inside. 3B pencil is brand new. [b][u]APPEARANCE:[/u][/b] [hider=Logan] [img=http://i46.tinypic.com/5mzgc2.png] [/hider]