Name: Emily Age: 12 Appearance: [img=] Skills/Power: Capricorn, Ability to harden outer skin to essentially become impervious to blunt force trauma, ability to temporarily transfer gravitational force from one object she is touching to another. (Hoping this could develop into other ways to control gravity later on.) Location of tattoo: across her whole back. Bio: Emily grew up in a wealthy household where she was kept mostly locked inside, and only interacted with people outside of her mother, father, and the occasional nurse once or twice in her life. The reason she was told was because she had a special medical condition, but in reality it was because they were trying to study her powers. She was always stubborn, and always had to get her way, yet she was oddly patient for her age. As soon as she learned that she had been being lied to, she planned her escape, which came to fruition a year later. She escaped to the woods surrounding her family's estate, and lived there, while her family was searching for her assuming she could not survive in the woods alone eventually declairing her dead.