Previously, seconds ago, Chrno stood before the well visited grave. At present, the human sympathising demon was now stood before a stone table, with an oddly dressed older man sitting at it's head. It was only the presence of the two assumed humans (the oddly dressed older man and the younger woman), that stopped Chrno from assuming his true form and taking a defensive stance. Instead, he continued to stand in place where he had initially appeared, in his older human form, in a rather guarded manner...observing the area. Closer observation, he noted that the material of the woman's outfit was similar to demon make...or at least, much more advanced to what humans could make from what he was used to. In contrast...the demon male had no clue what to make of the older man's colourful outfit, though he couldn't exactly criticize, he wore that bright red twintail jacket for years when in childlike sealed form. Worse yet, Chrno's hair was true violet-purple. There were energies in the air, not unlike the astral he so needed. In fact, it seemed abundant, and not just due to the recent summoning he had been subjected to. With the necessary questions being asked, Chrno stared between the two, before raising a hand and raising his voice in a measured manner, "What is going on here?"